Cambridgeshire had probably a record turnout this year at this prestigious event and it was great to see them there on the day. Day one started dull with a chill in the wind however the sun did come out and brightened the day up making for a great days shooting. At the end of the Metric rounds three juniors had fantastic scores gaining them their second JMB scores, first score gained at I believe the Netherhall World Archery weekend. Day two was imperial rounds and started sunny with a slight breeze that changed direction throughout the day making shooting interesting but not difficult. Three of our archers were potentially up for their third JMB score so no doubt this was on their minds. As the day progressed the temperature started to rise and plenty of fluids were needed to keep the archers hydrated and sun screen to stop burning. All archers from the county put in some really good shooting and held their own against some of the country’s top juniors, the big news is that once forms have been sent and scores have been verified by AGB we will probably have another record in the county. Three JMB’s yes that’s three so a very big well done to all our archers.

Once verified and I have permission from them I will update on who the archers are who have gained a JMB.
Well the Junior Outdoor Nationals 2017 are now all a distant memory and planning is underway for next years that are to be held on the 6-7 July 2018, we hope to see more of the counties juniors at this shoot next year